The following recommended books are Mobius Strip Press publications:
- We the People - Whose Constitution is it Anyway (now available)
- We the People: The Strategy to Convening a Convention - For Republic Review
- We the People: Reclaiming the Republic
- Energy Policies and Strategy's
- Education and Self-licking Ice Cream Cones
- The General Welfare
- Infrastructure for the Twenty-First Century
- Future Assimilation and Ending Domestic Abuse
The following recommended books are non-Mobius Strip Press publications:
Author - Title
Adam Fergusson - When Money Dies
Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations
Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America
Allan Bloom - The Closing of the American Mind
Amity Shlaes - The Forgotten Man
Andrew Breitbart - Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World!
Andrew N.Kleit- Electric Choices: Deregulation and the Future of Electric Power
Andrew P Napolitano - Dred Scott's Revenge: A Legal History of Race and Freedom in America
Andrew P Napolitano - Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power and Deception in American History
Andrew Szegedy-Maszak - A Modern Look at Ancient Greek Civilization
Ann Coulter - Godless: The Church of Liberalism
Ann Coulter - Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America
Ann Coulter - How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter - If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans
Ann Coulter - Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right
Ann Coulter - Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism
Anne C. Heller - Ayn Rand and the World She Made
Anthony Pagden - Worlds at War: The 2,500-Year Struggle Between East and West
Aristotle - Politics
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Infidel
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations
Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand - Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
Ayn Rand - The Return of the Primitive - The Anti-Industrial Revolution
Ayn Rand - The Virtue of Selfishness
Ayn Rand - The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought
Baron De Montesquieu - The Spirit of the Laws
Benjamin Wiker - 10 Books Every Conservative Must Read: Plus Four Not to Miss and One Impostor
Bernard Goldberg - A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media
Charles Adams - From the Rosetta Stone to the US Code - The History of Taxation
Daivd O Stewart - The Summer of 1787: The Men Who Invented the Constitution
Daniel Hannan - New Road to Serfdom
David Freddoso - The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate
David Horowitz - Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey
David Horowitz - The Art of Political War and Other Radical Pursuits
David Horowitz - The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America's Future
David Limbaugh - Crimes against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama
David McCullough - 1776
David McCullough - John Adams
David McCullough - Mornings on Horseback
David McCullough - The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge
David McCullough - The Johnstown Flood
David McCullough - The Path Between the Seas
David McCullough - Truman
David Mendall - Obama From - Promise to Power
David Wessel - In FED We Trust - Ben Bernanke's War on the Great Panic
Diane Francis - Who Owns Canada Now - Old Money, New Money and The Future of Canadian Business
Dick Morris - Catastrophe
Dick Morris - Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, and Liberals Are Scamming Us ... and What to Do About It
Dinesh D'Souza - The Roots of Obama's Rage
Dinesh D'Souza - What's So Great About America
Dmitri Volkogonov - Autopsy For An Empire: The Seven Leaders Who Built the Soviet Regime
Dominick T. Armentano - Antitrust and Monopoly: Anatomy of a Policy Failure
Donald A. Downs - Restoring Free Speech and Liberty on Campus
Donald R. Hickey - The War of 1812
Donald Rumsfeld - Known and Unknown: A Memoir
Douglas V. Gibbs - 25 Myths of the United States Constitution
Douglas V. Gibbs - The Basic Constitution: An Examination of the Principles and Philosophies of the United States Constitution
Dr Brown - The Gay Agenda
Drew Westen - The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation
Dumas Malone - Thomas Jefferson and His Time, Volume 1 - The Virginian
Dumas Malone - Thomas Jefferson and His Time, Volume 2 - And The Rights Of Man
Dumas Malone - Thomas Jefferson and His Time, Volume 3 - Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty
Dumas Malone - Thomas Jefferson and His Time, Volume 4 - The President-First Term 1801-1805
Dumas Malone - Thomas Jefferson and His Time, Volume 5 - Second Term, 1805-1809
Dumas Malone - Thomas Jefferson and His Time, Volume 6 - The Sage of Monticello
Eamonn Butler - Ludwig Von Mises: Fountainhead of the Modern Microeconomics Revolution
Frank I. Luntz - What Americans Really Want
Friedrich A Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
Garrett Mattingly - The Armada
Gary W. Gallagher - The American Civil War
Hamilton, Jay, and Madison - The Federalist Papers
Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism
Harlow Giles Unger - The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and a Nation's Call to Greatness
Helen Graham - The Spanish Civil War - A Very Short Introduction
J. M. Roberts - History of the World, Updated
J. M. Roberts - The History of Europe
Jim Marrs The - Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy
John and Abigail Adams - Letters of John and Abigail Adams
John L. Hancock - Liberty Inherited: The Untold Story of America's Exceptionalism
John Locke - Two Treatises of Government
Jonah Goldberg - Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
Jonathan Leaf - Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties
Joseph J Ellis - Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation
Joseph Wheelan - Jefferson's War
Julian Barnes - A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters
Justin Pollard - The Rise and Fall of Alexandria: Birthplace of the Modern World
Justin Winsor - Christopher Columbus And How He Received And Imparted The Spirit Of Discovery
Karen Armstrong - Muhammad
Karl Marx - Wage-Labour and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - The Communist Manifesto
Kenneth R. Timmerman - Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America
Kevin R. C. Gutzman - The Politically Incorrect Guide To The Constitution
Larry Schweikart & Michael Allen - A Patriot's History of the United States
Leonard Peikoff - Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand
Lowell E. Gallaway, Richard K. Vedder - Out of Work: Unemployment and Government in Twentieth-Century America
Ludwig von Mises - Human Action
Ludwig von Mises - Economic Calculation In The Socialist Commonwealth
Ludwig von Mises - Theory and History
Ludwig von Mises - Socialism
M. Stanton Evans - Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies
Mark Levin - Liberty And Tyranny
Mark Levin - Men In Black
Mark Skousen - The Making Of Modern Economics
Mark Steyn - After America
Mark Steyn - America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It
Michael Savage - Trickle Up Poverty Stopping Obama's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security
Michelle Malkin - Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies
Mike Church - Fame Of Our Fathers
Mike Church - Road To Independence
Mike Church - Spirit Of 76
Milton Friedman - Free To Choose
Milton Friedman - The Great Contraction, 1929-1933
Murray N. Rothbard - America's Great Depression
Murray N. Rothbard - For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
Murray N. Rothbard - The History of Economic Thought: From Marx to Hayek
Murray N. Rothbard - The Case Against the Fed
Niall Ferguson - Empire - The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power
Niall Ferguson - The Ascent of Money - A Financial History of the World
Niall Ferguson - The House of Rothschild - Volume 1 - Money's Prophets - 1798-1848
Niall Ferguson - The House of Rothschild - Volume 2 - The World's Banker - 1849-1999
Niall Ferguson - The House of Rothschild Money's Prophets
Niall Ferguson - The Pity Of War: Explaining World War I
Omar Nasiri - Inside the Jihad
Ori and Rom Brafman - Sway - The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior
P.J. O'Rourke - On The Wealth of Nations - Books That Changed the World
Pauline Maier - Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution
Peter Collier and David Horowitz - Anti Chomsky Reader
Peter Schiff - Crash Proof
Peter Schiff - The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down
Plato - The Republic
Plato - The Trial & The Death of Socrates
Robert A. Rutland - James Madison: The Founding Father
Robert Conquest - The Great Terror: A Reassessment
Robert H Bork - Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline
Robert H. Patton - Patriot Pirates: The Privateer War for Freedom and Fortune in the American Revolution
Robert Higgs - Against Leviathan: Government Power and a Free Society
Robert Higgs - Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government
Robert Higgs - Crisis and Liberty: The Expansion of Government Power in American History
Robert Higgs - Depression, War, and Cold War: Challenging the Myths of Conflict and Prosperity
Robert P. Murphy - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism
Robert Spencer - Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam Is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs
Robert Spencer - The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran
Robert Spencer - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
Robert Spencer - The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America
Ron Chernow - Alexander Hamilton
Ron Chernow - Washington: A Life
Ronald Radosh - Commies: A Journey Through the Old Left, the New Left and the Leftover Left
Russell Kirk - The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot
Stephen P. Halbrook - Securing Civil Rights: Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms
Stephen P. Halbrook - That Every Man Be Armed
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Tamim Anasary - Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes
Theda Perdue - The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears: The Penguin Library of American Indian History series
Thom Hartmann - Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class - And What We Can Do about It
Thomas E Woods - Meltdown
Thomas E Woods - Nullification_ How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century
Thomas E Woods - The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History
Thomas Sowell - Applied Economics
Thomas Sowell - A Personal Odyssey
Thomas Sowell - Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy
Thomas Sowell - Black Rednecks And White Liberals
Thomas Sowell - Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality
Thomas Sowell - Conquests and Cultures: An International History
Thomas Sowell - Dismantling America
Thomas Sowell - Economic Facts and Fallacies
Thomas Sowell - Intellectuals and Society
Thomas Sowell - Migrations and Cultures: A World View
Thomas Sowell - Race and Culture: A World View
Thomas Sowell - The Housing Boom and Bust
Thomas Sowell - The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy
W. Cleon Skousen - The 5,000 Year Leap
Walter R. Borneman - Polk: The Man Who Transformed the Presidency and America
Ward Connerly - Creating Equal: My Fight Against Race Preferences
Will Durant - Caesar and Christ (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 3)
Will Durant - Our Oriental Heritage (The Story of Civilization, Vol.1)
Will Durant - Rousseau and Revolution: A history of civilization from 1715 to 1789 (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 10)
Will Durant - The Age of Faith (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 4)
Will Durant - The Age of Louis XIV: A History of European Civilization: 1648-1715 (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 8)
Will Durant - The Age of Napoleon (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 11)
Will Durant - The Age of Reason Begins (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 7)
Will Durant - The Age of Voltaire: A History of Civilization with Special Emphasis on the Conflict between Religion and Philosophy (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 9)
Will Durant - The Life of Greece (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 2)
Will Durant - The Reformation: (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 6)
Will Durant - The Renaissance (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 5)
Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World's Greatest Philosophers
William F Buckley Jr - Miles Gone By: A Literary Autobiography
William F. Buckley Jr - God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of Academic Freedom